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Movie Title : Sleuth
Release Date : Oct 12, 2007 Wide
Mpaa Rating : R Genre Movie :Mystery & Suspense Actors :Michael Caine,Jude Law,Harold Pinter
NewVisitor Ranting & Critics For Sleuth
User Ranting Movie Sleuth : 3.2User Percentage For Sleuth : %
User Count Like for Sleuth : 20,644
All Critics Ranting For Sleuth : 5.1
All Critics Count For Sleuth : 119
All Critics Percentage For Sleuth : 36 %
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Review For Movie Sleuth
Director Kenneth Branagh has mercifully pared the action down to 88 minutes (the first movie dragged on for 138), but the final act... still seems to go on forever.J. R. Jones-Chicago Reader
Kenneth Branagh's direction, its self-consciously skewed angles and surveillance-cam cutaways highlighting his weakness for the misplaced flourish, is more of a hindrance than a help.
Trevor Johnston-Time Out
Director Kenneth Branagh clearly is having fun navigating Tim Harvey's slick set design, but eventually the characters' deadly competitiveness becomes tedious.
Sean Means-Film.com
It doesnt work, and the reasons why are no mystery, no mystery at all.
Roger Moore-Orlando Sentinel
This film wants only to entertain, and other talents have gathered with Pinter to help.
Stanley Kauffmann-The New Republic
It sounds so promising. It plays so disappointing.
Tom Long-Detroit News
It requires a light touch; I admire Branagh a great deal, but not for his light touch.
Walter Chaw-Film Freak Central
Idly plotted then tempered by a blunt ending. All of a sudden the viewer is left pondering 'eh?' as Pinter apparently run out of room on his pad.
Chris Laverty-Clothes on Film
Pinter's pauses, and the dour air of so much of the interplay, just don't fit on a story that's this slight.
Alonso Duralde-MSNBC
Once the homosexual subtext is brought to the surface, everything seems to be a joke. Are they gay, kidding, or just considering?
Brian Holcomb-PopMatters
Fans of the original should stay away.
David Stratton-At the Movies (Australia)
The script includes a verbal motif that reminds us of what binds the film's four central talents together: 'I want to show you something.' [Blu-Ray review]
Peter Canavese-Groucho Reviews
What this Sleuth lacks in enthusiasm it makes up in character-driven menace.
David Cornelius-DVDTalk.com
Despite Branagh's every attempt to capitalise on the intimacy of the cinematic medium with (intrusive) close-ups, the direction is heavy handed; the result being a dramatic, but emotionally cold experience
Urban Cinefile Critics-Urban Cinefile
Goofy art house tendencies (including an ill-thought dalliance with homo-eroticism) trigger a few giggles, yet the clever, crisply-acted power struggle seizes your attention
Amy Nicholson-I.E. Weekly
What Pinter and Branagh present is a much more wicked, cold, disturbing film that is even more confined than the original.
Ken Hanke-Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)
Seems to me that the Kenneth Branagh-Harold Pinter Sleuth is a pretty good movie. It just isn't a very good Sleuth, exactly.
Lawrence Toppman-Charlotte Observer
By the time the film ends on a flat note, it is long past the point of failing to effectively showcase a meeting of minds between two great actors.
Matt Kelemen-Las Vegas CityLife
Whether you like the film probably depends on whether you can treat it all as seriously as Pinter and Branagh. If you can't, this short, brackish piece will not work at all, even if you don't regard it as a piece of piss.
Derek Malcolm-This is London
A Dead Film Walking, a zombie of a film, a shuffling Frankenstein's monster of a film, leaking electricity from its badly-fitting neck bolts, tragically whimpering at the pointless agony of its own brief existence.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]
Message to Jude: You have more chance of convincingly concealing that receding hairline than becoming the new Michael Caine. Stop trying to be something you are not - a charismatic actor.
-Sun Online
This is the kind of intimate physicality that Pinter pumps into Shaffer's script. But it will take a better director than Branagh to tease it into the real world.
James Christopher-Times [UK]
Directed by Kenneth Branagh and scripted by no less than Harold Pinter, the wicked charm of Sleuth Mk1 has been stripped away to leave a nasty, dispiriting and strangely cold psychological thriller.
-Daily Mirror [UK]
A bold, initially fascinating but ultimately misguided attempt to 'Pinter-ize' an old-fashioned puzzle. Great mysteries leave their audience marveling 'how did they do that?' Sleuth 2007 leaves you scratching your head, wondering why they bothered.
Leigh Singer-Film4
Caine and Law rustle up a spicy chemistry which sustains a sizzle for an hour or so. But the second half panders to Pinter's self-indulgence, unravelling Branagh's high-tensile head-fuck as a hollow skirmish.
Andy Lowe-Total Film
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