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Movie Title : Attack of the Giant Leeches (Attack of the Blood Leeches) (Demons of the Swamp)
Release Date : Jan 1, 1960 Wide
Mpaa Rating : Unrated Genre Movie :Horror,Science Fiction & Fantasy,Cult Movies Actors :George Cisar,Kenneth Clark,Michael Emmet,Tyler McVey,Gene Roth,Jan Shepard,Yvette Vickers,Dan White,Bruno Ve Sota,Ken Clark
NewVisitor Ranting & Critics For Attack of the Giant Leeches (Attack of the Blood Leeches) (Demons of the Swamp)
User Ranting Movie Attack of the Giant Leeches (Attack of the Blood Leeches) (Demons of the Swamp) : 2.3User Percentage For Attack of the Giant Leeches (Attack of the Blood Leeches) (Demons of the Swamp) : %
User Count Like for Attack of the Giant Leeches (Attack of the Blood Leeches) (Demons of the Swamp) : 1,111
All Critics Ranting For Attack of the Giant Leeches (Attack of the Blood Leeches) (Demons of the Swamp) : 5.1
All Critics Count For Attack of the Giant Leeches (Attack of the Blood Leeches) (Demons of the Swamp) : 10
All Critics Percentage For Attack of the Giant Leeches (Attack of the Blood Leeches) (Demons of the Swamp) : 70 %
If You Like this movie you can streaming Attack of the Giant Leeches (Attack of the Blood Leeches) (Demons of the Swamp) movie without downloading HERE
Trailer For Attack of the Giant Leeches (Attack of the Blood Leeches) (Demons of the Swamp)
Review For Movie Attack of the Giant Leeches (Attack of the Blood Leeches) (Demons of the Swamp)
A pungent little fable with a Rimbaudian sideFernando F. Croce-CinePassion
This particular monster opus is a fling equivalent, spontaneous and brisk and giddy. Sometimes, we all can use a one night stand.
Rob Humanick-Suite101.com
Good, solid horror shlock from the '50s.
Steve Crum-Video-Reviewmaster.com
"Attack of the Glad Bags" might be more accurate.
Rob Thomas-Capital Times (Madison, WI)
Not as much fun as its title might suggest . . .
James O'Ehley-Sci-Fi Movie Page
You just don't get titles like this anymore -- or movies.
Ken Hanke-Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)
New Movie Images Attack of the Giant Leeches (Attack of the Blood Leeches) (Demons of the Swamp)
Movie Overview For Attack of the Giant Leeches (Attack of the Blood Leeches) (Demons of the Swamp)
In a community nearby a swamp, a local dweller sees a couple of giant monsters but nobody believes on his words. Later, the cuckold Dave Walker (Bruno Ve Sota) finds his slut wife Liz Walker (Yvette Vickers) cheating him with his friend Cal Moulton (Michael Emmett). He chases the couple through the swamp, and forces them to jump into the water. The leeches attack them, and the shocked Dave is arrested, accused of murder. Two other locals decide to look for the bodies of Liz and Cal to get the prize of US$ 50.00 per body, and also vanish in the swamp. Finally, Sheriff Steve Benton (Ken Clark) organizes a patrol to investigate the caves under the swamp, finding the lethal giant leeches.TagLine Attack of the Giant Leeches (Attack of the Blood Leeches) (Demons of the Swamp)
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