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Movie Title : Tetsuo: The Ironman
Release Date : Jan 1, 1989 Wide
Mpaa Rating : R Genre Movie :Horror,Art House & International,Special Interest,Cult Movies Actors :Tomorowo Taguchi,Kei Fujiwara,Shin'ya Tsukamoto,Naomasa Musaka,Renji Ishibashi,Nobu Kanaoka
NewVisitor Ranting & Critics For Tetsuo: The Ironman
User Ranting Movie Tetsuo: The Ironman : 3.8User Percentage For Tetsuo: The Ironman : 76 %
User Count Like for Tetsuo: The Ironman : 9,759
All Critics Ranting For Tetsuo: The Ironman : 7.2
All Critics Count For Tetsuo: The Ironman : 13
All Critics Percentage For Tetsuo: The Ironman : 77 %
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Review For Movie Tetsuo: The Ironman
combines early Lynch's monochrome industrial landscapes, Cronenberg's body horror, Ballard's obsession with crashes and wounds, and Svankmajer's frenetic stop-motion oddity (and staccato editing), but it nonetheless remains a singular monstrosityAnton Bitel-Eye for Film
Sustained with satirical expressionism for indelible clamminess
Fernando F. Croce-CinePassion
Unquestionably it's a feat of imagination and technique, but an hour of it is more than enough.
Rob Gonsalves-eFilmCritic.com
Exercício surrealista histérico e obviamente ludita que, apesar de substituir as idéias pelo corte rápido, cria uma atmosfera de pesadelo sufocante.
Pablo Villaca-Cinema em Cena
Filled with wild stop motion effects and brilliant conceptual horrors, this is a horror film for the modern technological world.
Sean Axmaker-St@tic Multimedia
As a freak show..., Tetsuo certainly deserves its reputation. It contains memorable sequences of sickening imagination, and unique takes on tired sci-fi/ action ideas.
Bill Gibron-DVDTalk.com
One of the first movies to give me a sense that there were no boundaries.
Luke Y. Thompson-LYTRules.com
surreally disjointed
Keith Breese-Filmcritic.com
Tetsuo and Fetishist's transformation into Iron Man becomes a response to the machinization of the individual in a systematically regimented Japan.
Ed Gonzalez-Slant Magazine
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Movie Overview For Tetsuo: The Ironman
Tetsuo: The Iron Man is a 1989 Japanese cyberpunk film by cult-film director Shinya Tsukamoto produced by Japan Home Video. This, his third film, is an extremely graphic but also strikingly-filmed fantasy shot in the same low-budget, underground-production style as his first two films. Revolving around the transformation of people into grotesque hybrids of flesh and metal, Tetsuo is above all an overwhelming audiovisual experience, set to a brain-pounding score by Chu Ishikawa and complemented by suitably exaggerated sound effects.TagLine Tetsuo: The Ironman
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