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Movie Title : Pink Floyd - The Wall
Release Date : Aug 1, 1982 Limited
Mpaa Rating : R Genre Movie :Drama,Musical & Performing Arts,Art House & International,Special Interest,Cult Movies Actors :Bob Geldof,Christine Hargreaves,James Laurenson,Eleanor David,Kevin McKeon,Bob Hoskins,David Bingham,Jenny Wright,Alex McAvoy,Ellis Dale,James Hazeldine,Ray Mort,Margery Mason,Robert Bridges,Michael Ensign,Marie Passarelli,Winston Rose,Rod Bedall,Nell Campbell,Brenda Cowling
NewVisitor Ranting & Critics For Pink Floyd - The Wall
User Ranting Movie Pink Floyd - The Wall : 4User Percentage For Pink Floyd - The Wall : 87 %
User Count Like for Pink Floyd - The Wall : 69,810
All Critics Ranting For Pink Floyd - The Wall : 6.8
All Critics Count For Pink Floyd - The Wall : 18
All Critics Percentage For Pink Floyd - The Wall : 72 %
If You Like this movie you can streaming Pink Floyd - The Wall movie without downloading HERE
Trailer For Pink Floyd - The Wall
Review For Movie Pink Floyd - The Wall
Nothing is put together for you, but all the pieces of the puzzle are there for you to create what you want. It's refreshing to see a movie that is completely out of the box, and doesn't follow any present forumla. THE WALL is a great rock opera.Austin Kennedy-Sin Magazine
Visually stunning and disturbing, an essential midnight movie.
Rob Thomas-Capital Times (Madison, WI)
A stunning portrayal of a slide from isolation into madness. And the music rocks, too--bonus.
Widgett Walls-Needcoffee.com
One of Alan Parker's few truly bad movies.
Ken Hanke-Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)
Visually stunning yet strangely forced tale.
Gerry Shamray-Sun Newspapers of Cleveland
dated and self-aggrandizing but a watershed
Karina Montgomery-Cinerina
Good music. Sick imagery.
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope
A midnight movie classic!
John Venable-Supercala.com
New Movie Images Pink Floyd - The Wall
Movie Overview For Pink Floyd - The Wall
The life of the fictional rock star 'Pink' is the subject of the visually evocative cult film based upon the music and visions of the group Pink Floyd as portrayed in the album of the same title. Relationships, drug abuse, sex, childhood, WWII and fascism combine in a disturbing mix of episodic live action and lyrical animation drawn by British caricaturist Gerald Scarfe.TagLine Pink Floyd - The Wall The Memories. The Madness. The Music... The Movie.
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